The above picture is of a training drill. It involves 4 players. Two in Red and two in Blue. The Player 5 in Red starts the drill by passing the ball to the Player 9 in Red at the red cone in front of him, who then passes it back to the first player. He plays a minus ball for the Player 9 who crosses the ball to the other side, where the Player 5 in Blue receives the ball and runs back towards the yellow cone.
The Player 5 in Blue then passes the ball to the Blue Player 9 who passes it back to him. The player 5 then plays it through for the Player 9. After receiving the ball, he plays it across the red side where the Player 5 in Red receives the ball and runs back to his red cone. The cycle starts again as the player 5 again passes it to Player 9.
This drill improves the passing and controlling abilities of the players which are of high importance for a Football player.