The picture above is of a training drill. It involves three players i.e. A, B and C at three cones.
The drill starts when player A passes the ball to the player B who plays it back to player A, who has to run a little to receive the ball before playing it across to player C. After crossing the ball to player C, the player A runs behind the cone and replaces the player B. The player C after receiving the ball plays it to player B, who comes a little forward to play a through ball for player C. After making the through pass, player C runs behind the next cone and replaces player C. The player C runs to reach the through pass, after receiving the ball he kicks it past the mannequin. The player C runs behind the mannequin and continues rolling the ball to finish the drill. The next player waiting at first cone starts the drill again by passing it to the other cone.
This drill helps to improve the passing the ball and develops a chemistry between players.