Pass quadrat Spielfeld 2 Tore mit Torhütern 40 Meter gegenüber

Pass quadrat Spielfeld 2 Tore mit Torhütern 40 Meter gegenüber, Hütchenraute (10 x 10 Meter) mittig

The picture above is of a training drill. It involves four cones i.e. A ,B, C and D, with a player at each cone.

The drill starts when the player at cone A plays a pass to the player in front of him at the cone B, who after receiving the ball plays a pass to the player to his right at cone C. The player at cone C receives the ball and plays a through ball for the player at cone D. The player at cone D runs to receive the through ball played from cone C. After receiving it, the player from cone D takes an attempt on goal and shoots in the bottom right corner of the goal to score, where the goal keeper is ready to face the shot in order to save it. After the player from cone D finishes his drill, the players change their positions and a new player starts the drill from cone A by passing the ball to the at cone B who was formerly at cone A and the cycle continues.