
The picture above is of three training drills. It involves three spots i.e. A,B and C and different training equipment like Speed and Agility Ladders, Cone Hurdles, and Agility Poles, and Mannequin. The drill starts when the player from spot A plays a pass to the player at the other side and goes through the…

Improved Strength and Coordination
The picture above shows a football ground with different training equipment. The sides of the ground are divided so that more players can train differently at the same time. The players in Pink, practice with the equipment on the upper side of the field, while the players in Blue practice with the equipment on the…

Coordination, passing, crossing and finishing
The picture above is of a training drill which works on the coordination, passing, crossing and finishing of the players. The drill starts when the player from Spot A plays a pass to the player who approaches the ball from Spot B. The player of Spot A, after passing the ball makes a run forward,…