The picture above is of three training drills. It involves three spots i.e. A, B and C and different training equipment like Speed and Agility Ladders, Cone Hurdles, and Agility Poles, and Mannequin.
The drill starts when the player from spot A plays a pass to the player at the other side and goes through the Speed Ladders to replace the other player. The player who received the ball, dribbles the ball up to the mannequin and plays it back to the spot A before running towards spot B.
The player at spot B passes the ball to the player on the other side and runs through the Cone Hurdles by taking side steps and replace the player on the other side. The player who received the ball, dribbles the ball through the cone and passes it to back to the spot B before running to the spot C.
The player at spot C passes the ball to the player on the other side and skips through the Agility Poles to replace the other player. The player who received the ball, plays it to the player in front of him who plays it back to him. He plays the ball to the other side and dribbles it back to the starting spot A.